June 2007 - New Orleans Saints Wiretap

Brees Speaks To Utah Inmates

Sep 28, 2014 1:39 AM

Some inmates at the Beaver County correctional facility had a surprise guest speaker when New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees showed up at the southern Utah jail on Friday. County officials had heard he was coming, but even they were skeptical. "I was pretty blown away by the idea that somebody like him would come to a small town like Beaver, Utah," Sgt. Curt Heslington of the Beaver County sheriff's department said. "But, lo and behold, Drew Brees showed up today." Brees spoke Friday to 124 inmates in the Beaver County residential treatment program. In a pair of one-hour sessions, Brees encouraged the inmates with reflections on the trials and tribulations of his life and career.


Tags: New Orleans Saints

Saints' Meachum To Have Knee Examined

Sep 28, 2014 1:39 AM

Saints first round draft pick Robert Meachem needs to have his right knee examined for a potential medial meniscus problem after he missed practices Sunday and Monday. Head coach Sean Payton said after Monday's practice that the Saints knew about a possible minor meniscus problem before they drafted the former standout receiver at Tennessee 27th overall. "After his exam I'll know a little bit more, but it started to get to the point where it was hampering him [Sunday afternoon] running," Payton said. "We backed him off yesterday and the same way this morning."


Tags: New Orleans Saints
